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Text Input

Form inputs with sizes and style variations


There are three types of Text Input components:

  • ThumbprintTextInput: A single line ThumbprintEditText with no drawables. While you can use ThumbprintTextInputWithDrawables without defining any drawables in place of this View, it is recommended to use this View if you do not plan on defining drawables. This is because ThumbprintTextInputWithDrawables has tap event listeners which will do unnecessary work if no drawables are defined.
  • ThumbprintTextInputWithDrawables: A single line ThumbprintEditText with support for start and end drawables. Drawable click events can be handled by assigning a lambda expression to drawableStartListener, or drawableEndListener.
  • ThumbprintClearableTextInput: A single line ThumbprintEditText that allows for a custom drawableStart, but not a custom drawableEnd. Instead, the drawableEnd will be a X that can be tapped to clear the current input and focus the View.

All the above components inherit from ThumbprintEditTextBase, which itself inherits from EditText.


The following states are available for inputs: Default, selected, filled, disabled, and error.

text-input states


The following are the new attributes added on top of Android's default EditText:

  • hasError: Boolean. Indicates whether the Text Input is currently in an error state.
  • isDisabled: Boolean. Indicates whether the Text Input is currently in a disabled state.
  • state: Boolean. Returns the current state of the Text Input. Cannot be set.
  • focusOnDrawableTap: Boolean. Indicates whether to listen for drawable click events.
  • drawableStartListener: () -> Unit. Callback for when ThumbprintTextInputWithDrawables's drawableStart is clicked.
  • drawableEndListener: () -> Unit. Callback for when ThumbprintTextInputWithDrawables's drawableEnd is clicked.