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Auto-dismissing alert displayed at the bottom of the screen

iOS (UIKit) is being deprecated

Thumbprint on iOS is transitioning from UIKit to SwiftUI, and this documentation is no longer being supported. Please refer to the SwiftUI documentation when available.


A toast should be used to display a short lived alert at the bottom of the screen with a message, and optionally, a CTA.


The toast component supports dynamic type by default

Public API

public var message: String The message text to be displayed to the user

public var action: Toast.Action The "action" to take on the toast. Includes link text, and a handler closure.

public var theme: Toast.Theme A toast theme, which allows for customization of the background color, text color, icon, and icon color.

public let presentationDuration: TimeInterval The duration for which to display the toast, defaults to 5 seconds.


You can construct a toast with various themes like

let toast = Toast(message: "This is a message?", theme: Toast.Theme.alert(), action: Toast.Action(text: "Take Action", handler: {
/* Do some action */

You can customize the theme by overriding various properties

let toast = Toast(message: "This is a message?", theme: Toast.Theme.success(Icon.contentActionsAddMedium), action: Toast.Action(text: "Take Action", handler: {}))

Once constructed, a toast can be displayed with animation using the showToast method.

import Thumbprint
/* ... */
public func display(_ toastWithText text: String, linkText: String, in view: UIView) {
let toast = Toast(message: text, action: Toast.Action(text: linkText, handler: {
/* Do some action */
toast.showToast(animated: false, completion: nil)
toast.snp.makeConstraints { make in