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Floating labels providing context


Tooltips are an informational UI tool that briefly explain the function of a user interface element. They can be triggered when users hover, focus, tap, or click.

The default tooltip has a black container and contains basic information explaining a feature or part of the UI.

Common features

A tooltip is composed of these basic elements:

  • A trigger (icon, button, link, etc.)
  • A floating tip
  • Static, non-interactive content

A tooltip is summoned or dismissed by:

  • Hovering over an element with a cursor
  • A click or touch
  • Focusing on an element with a keyboard (usually the tab key)

The animation duration is 150ms easing on entrance and exit.

Tooltip example
Tooltip example

Behavior and positioning

Tooltips can be positioned on the top or the bottom of a trigger, and with a slight animation originating from the trigger.

In the event that a tooltip doesn’t have enough space to be centered, it will be automatically positioned using the “best-placement” attribute. It will default on top or bottom and move left/right/down/up depending on the available space.

Tooltip example
Tooltip example
Tooltip example


In addition to their positioning, tooltips come in a light and dark theme.

Note: The tooltip theme should be opposite whatever background it is on for maximum readability.

Tooltip example
Tooltip example

Content guidelines

  • Tooltip copy be concise and should not exceed 3 lines.
  • Tooltips should be written in sentence case.
  • Tooltips have a max-width of 235px.
  • Do not include interactive content or images.
tooltip example
tooltip example
tooltip example
tooltip example
tooltip example