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Form labels commonly used with inputs

iOS (UIKit) is being deprecated

Thumbprint on iOS is transitioning from UIKit to SwiftUI, and this documentation is no longer being supported. Please refer to the SwiftUI documentation when available.


Label to display non-interactive text using Thumbprint text styles. It is preferable in nearly all cases to use this Label component instead of using UILabel directly.


Set adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory to true to enable Dynamic Type support. In most cases, numberOfLines should also be set to 0 to ensure that the content wraps at larger content sizes.

UIAccessibilityTraits.staticText is added to all Labels, and UIAccessibilityTraits.header is additionally added for any of the Title 1-8 Thumbprint text styles.

Public API

public var textStyle: Font.TextStyle

Text style applied to this label. Setting this property automatically updates the label's font & accessibility traits and invalidates the label's intrinsic content size.

public init(textStyle: Font.TextStyle, adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory: Bool)

Creates and returns a new label with the specified text style. Note that if you're planning to use attributed strings with this label, the text style you pass in here might not matter.