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Boxes for checking and unchecking multiple values in forms

iOS (UIKit) is being deprecated

Thumbprint on iOS is transitioning from UIKit to SwiftUI, and this documentation is no longer being supported. Please refer to the SwiftUI documentation when available.

There are 2 checkbox components, Checkbox and LabeledCheckbox.

Checkbox is a square box that is empty, checked or has an intermediate state. You normally don't want to use it directly except for very custom UI designs that cannot be fulfilled with LabeledCheckbox.

LabeledCheckbox is a Checkbox with a Label. The label can be on the left or right side of the checkbox.


Empty Checkbox

let checkbox = Checkbox()

Empty LabeledCheckbox

let labeledCheckbox = LabeledCheckbox(text: "This is a label checkbox")

Checked Checkbox

let checkbox = Checkbox()
checkbox.isSelected = true

Checked LabeledCheckbox

let labeledCheckbox = LabeledCheckbox(text: "This is a labeled checkbox")
labeledCheckbox.isSelected = true

Intermediate Checkbox

let checkbox = Checkbox()
checkbox.mark = .intermediate

Intermediate LabeledCheckbox

let labeledCheckbox = LabeledCheckbox(text: "This is a labeled checkbox")
labeledCheckbox.mark = .intermediate

Checkbox Properties


If false, the user cannot interact with the checkbox and the checkbox will be gray.

checkbox.isEnabled = false


If true, the checkbox will be checked and blue.

checkbox.isSelected = false


Defines the mark displayed inside the checkbox. Can be either empty, checked or intermediate. The default value is empty.

checkbox.mark = .intermediate


This defines the width/height of the checkbox. The checkbox always has a square shape. The default value is 20.

checkbox.checkboxSize = 32

LabeledCheckbox Properties


Sets the text of the label.

labeledCheckbox.text = "This is a cool label checkbox!"


Sets the attributed text of the label.

labeledCheckbox.attributedText = attributedString


Sets the text style of the label.

labeledCheckbox.textStyle = .title1


Sets the content insets of the full control. The additional insets are part of the interactive area of the control.

labeledCheckbox.contentInsets = UIEdgeInsets(left: 10, top: 10, bottom: 10, right: 10)


If false, the user cannot interact with the checkbox and the control will be gray.

labeledCheckbox.isEnabled = false


If true, the checkbox will be checked and blue.

labeledCheckbox.isSelected = false


Determines on what side of the checkbox the label is shown. The default value is .trailing.

labeledCheckbox.contentPlacement = .leading


Determines the number of lines for the label. The default is 1. When set to 0 there will be as many lines as needed to display the full text.

labeledCheckbox.numberOfLines = 0
labeledCheckbox.text = "This is a labeled checkbox whose text will spread out over multiple lines because this text is too big to fit on one line"


If true, the checkbox and label will be red. Use this property if something's wrong and the control needs a user's attention.

labeledCheckbox.hasError = true


Defines the mark displayed inside the checkbox. Can be either empty, checked or intermediate. The default value is empty.

labeledCheckbox.mark = .intermediate


This defines the width/height of the checkbox. The checkbox always has a square shape. The default value is 20.

labeledCheckbox.checkboxSize = 32