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Star Rating

Display a star rating out of 5.0



TPStarRating(rating: $rating, isInteractive: false)


/// Three standard sizes:
/// small - 12
/// medium - 18
/// large - 24
TPStarRating(rating: .constant(4))
// Configurable for any size
TPStarRating(rating: .constant(4))


TPStarRating(rating: $rating)
.tpStarRatingTheme(TPStarRatingTheme(filledColor: .tpYellow, unfilledColor: .tpGray))

Environment Values

.tpStarRatingSize(_ size: CGFloat)

Standard sizes defined in TPStarRatingSize

Default: - TPStarRatingSize.large

.tpStarRatingTheme(_ theme: TPStarRatingTheme)

Allows customization of the filled and unfilled star colors using TPStarRatingTheme.

Default: - TPStarRatingTheme.default (filled .tpGreen, unfilled .tpGray)


public init(rating: Binding<Float>, maxRating: Int = 5, isInteractive: Bool = true)

rating: binding to a Float

maximumRating: the maximum star rating (defaults to 5)

isInteractive: configures the component to be read only


Component can be adjusted using VoiceOver gestures when isInteractive is true. Standard format is Select rating (current rating) out of (maximumRating) stars

When isInteractive is false, the format is Rating (current rating) out of (maximumRating) stars