Star Rating
Display a star rating out of 5.0
TPStarRating(rating: $rating, isInteractive: false)
/// Three standard sizes:/// small - 12/// medium - 18/// large - 24TPStarRating(rating: .constant(4)).tpStarRatingSize(TPStarRatingSize.small)// Configurable for any sizeTPStarRating(rating: .constant(4)).tpStarRatingSize(48.0)

TPStarRating(rating: $rating).tpStarRatingTheme(TPStarRatingTheme(filledColor: .tpYellow, unfilledColor: .tpGray))

Environment Values
.tpStarRatingSize(_ size: CGFloat)
Standard sizes defined in TPStarRatingSize
Default: - TPStarRatingSize.large
.tpStarRatingTheme(_ theme: TPStarRatingTheme)
Allows customization of the filled and unfilled star colors using TPStarRatingTheme
Default: - TPStarRatingTheme.default
(filled .tpGreen
, unfilled .tpGray
public init(rating: Binding<Float>, maxRating: Int = 5, isInteractive: Bool = true)
rating: binding to a Float
maximumRating: the maximum star rating (defaults to 5)
isInteractive: configures the component to be read only
Component can be adjusted using VoiceOver gestures when isInteractive
is true
. Standard format is Select rating (current rating) out of (maximumRating) stars
When isInteractive
is false, the format is Rating (current rating) out of (maximumRating) stars