

Buttons providing easy access to important actions.


There are two floating action button components: TextFloatingActionButton and IconFloatingActionButton.

TextFloatingActionButton is used to display text and includes an option to add a UIView to the left of it.

IconFloatingActionButton is an icon or image only floating action button.


There are two standard fab themes on iOS. In addition, custom themes can be defined by calling the TextFloatingActionButton.Theme and IconFloatingActionButton.Theme constructors directly.

TextFloatingActionButton Primary

Primary text fab

TextFloatingActionButton Secondary

Secondary text fab

IconFloatingActionButton Primary

Primary icon fab

IconFloatingActionButton Secondary

Secondary icon fab

Public API

TextFloatingActionButton theme struct

public let backgroundColor: UIColor

public let borderColor: UIColor

public let tintColor: UIColor

public let highlightedBackgroundColor: UIColor

public let highlightedBorderColor: UIColor

public let height: CGFloat

public let horizontalPadding: CGFloat

public let iconTextSpacing: CGFloat

public let textStyle: Font.TextStyle

public let shadowImage: UIImage?

public init(backgroundColor: UIColor, borderColor: UIColor, tintColor: UIColor, highlightedBackgroundColor: UIColor, highlightedBorderColor: UIColor, textStyle: Font.TextStyle = .title6, shadowImage: UIImage? = UIImage(named: "textFabShadow", in: Bundle.thumbprint, compatibleWith: nil), height: CGFloat = 44, horizontalPadding: CGFloat = Space.three, iconTextSpacing: CGFloat = Space.two)

public static let primary: TextFloatingActionButton.Theme

Primary text fab theme.

public static let secondary: TextFloatingActionButton.Theme

Secondary text fab theme.

IconFloatingActionButton theme struct

public let backgroundColor: UIColor

public let borderColor: UIColor

public let tintColor: UIColor

public let highlightedBackgroundColor: UIColor

let highlightedBorderColor: UIColor

public init(backgroundColor: UIColor, borderColor: UIColor, tintColor: UIColor, highlightedBackgroundColor: UIColor, highlightedBorderColor: UIColor)

public static let primary: IconFloatingActionButton.Theme

Primary icon fab theme.

public static let secondary: IconFloatingActionButton.Theme

Secondary icon fab theme.


public private(set) var text: String?

The text displayed. This is a read-only variable. See func setText for setting the text.

public func setText(_ text: String?, accessibilityLabel: String)

Use this function to set the fab’s displayed (text) and read-out accessibility (accessibilityLabel) texts.

public private(set) var leftView: UIView?

This is the view set on the left of the displayed text. This is a read-only variable. See func setLeftView for setting the view.

public func setLeftView(_ view: UIView, largeContentImage: UIImage?)

Use this function to set the left view (view) and the image shown when holding the image while using an accessibility text size (largeContentImage).

public var theme: Theme

public override var isHighlighted: Bool

public init(text: String, accessibilityLabel: String, theme: TextFloatingActionButton.Theme = .primary)

public override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize


public private(set) var icon: UIImage?

This is the displayed icon for the fab. This is a read-only variable. See func setIcon for setting the icon.

public func setIcon(_ icon: UIImage, accessibilityLabel: String)

Use this function to set the icon (icon) and the read-out accessibility label (accessibilityLabel) for the icon fab.

public var theme: Theme

public override var isHighlighted: Bool

public init(icon: UIImage, accessibilityLabel: String, theme: IconFloatingActionButton.Theme = .primary)

public override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize